world war 2: warsaw uprising 1944

John Ward

Article reprinted from: The Times, August 18, 1944.

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Life in Warsaw: Barricades in the Streets

There are many barricades made of paving-stones, sand, and overturned trams. Communication between different houses in one street is mostly underground and a maze of passages has been made by breaking through cellar walls. Some of these underground passages pass through whole districts. The main power station, which was seized by the Poles during the first day of the rising, is working normally, although continuously under enemy fire.

Pillar-boxes are again inscribed ‘Poczta Polska’ (Polish Mail), and an emergency postal service has been established. Letter are censored. Civil administration is in the hands of a ‘Delegate for the Capital.' As several districts are cut off, local administration is carried out by 'Area Delegates' with subordinate “Block Commanders’ and ‘House Commanders.' The delegates’ executive body is the ‘State Security Corps’ and is undertaking police duties.

Members of the Home Army wear white and red armlets bearing the eagle and the letters W.P. (Wojsko Polskie – Polish Army). Many officers and non-commissioned officers wear the old Polish battle-dress.

The number of underground newspapers increases daily. There are already about 10 dailies, appearing morning and evening.
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